Credentials and Qualifications

LL.B. University of Saskatchewan
LL.B. or bachelor of laws degree (now known as J.D. or juris doctor) for Helena Long
Editors' Association of Canada certificate
Certificate of Completion Helena Long, the Editors’ Association of Canada:  Plain Language Workshop
Long-term Service Recognition, Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly
10-year Long-Term Service Recognition for Helena Long, from the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
Certificate of completion of the Train the Trainer Intensive
Certification of completion by Helena Long of the Train the Trainer Intensive, Peak Potentials Training
Other courses and workshops completed over the last few years:  World’s Greatest Marketing School (Peak Potentials), Enlightened Warrior Training Camp (Peak Potentials), Guerilla Business School (Peak Potentials), Jay Abraham 5-day Marketing Seminar, Internet Research Specialist (American Writers & Artists Inc.)
Editor:  Sports history book, 100 Years of Outlaw Terror;
Editor:  Poetry, Selected Poems: Half a Century of Life’s Observations;
Editor:  Dog’s memoir, Doully tales – if you’ve ever loved a dog;
Current Project:  Dear Son, a life of addiction and recovery;
Author:  Children’s book, The Underwater Mystery 

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